iPhone Ringtones – How to change the ringtone in iPhone?

Since they bought the iPhone, most iPhone users have not changed the default ringtone. When you want to take your phone out of your bag, you will feel embarrassed, but you will find that it is not the phone that is ringing, but the phone of someone next to you. Now is the time to set a new ringtone to stand out from the crowd.

You can use a special application or download it from the website to set a new ringtone on your iPhone. If you don’t want to bother downloading any app on your phone, then downloading iPhone ringtone from the website is a good choice. In this article, you will learn how to install the iPhone ringtone after downloading it free from bestringtones.net.

Get “iTunes” to select a ringtones file, the maximum file length should be 40 seconds. Convert mp3 to AAC (if the sound file is already in AAC or has the extension .m4r, skip this part). If the file has been converted, there will be two files in iTunes, right-click and enable the “type” column.

Change the file extension by dragging and dropping the file from the iTunes library to the desktop, and then change the file extension to .m4r. Connect your iPhone to your PC, and then in iTunes, click the device icon in the navigation bar, then click “Ringtones”, and then drag and drop the M4R ringtone file into the section “Ringtones” from iTunes. iTunes will sync the ringtone with your phone and display it immediately under “Ringtone”.

Choose a ringtone now, go to “iPhone Settings”> “Sounds and Haptics”> “Ringtones” and then select a custom ringtone on your iPhone.

How to change the iPhone ringtone?

Go to Settings> Sound & Haptics. Under “Sound and vibration mode”, click the sound you want to change. Touch the ringtone or alarm tone to listen and set it as a new sound.

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